‘There was never a good Knife made of bad Steel.’
Benjamin Franklin (1706-1790)
I was born and raised on our farm in Gubbeen, in West Cork, Ireland. For as far back as I can remember, I have had a passion for knives. At a young age, I inherited my uncle's collection of knives – a beautiful selection from his travels around the world.
Growing up on the farm, I learned that for every job there was a knife, and a good, solid knife was always an essential tool.
I've now been a butcher for the past 15 years, and again, knives play a vital role in my working life!
All my life I've been surrounded by artists and artisans, and thanks to them I came to understand that importance of quality in one's work is always appreciated. The more so when tools like knives are designed with functionality as the guiding factor.
My aim, as a knife-maker, is to make knives that work for the purpose and the user, are comfortable and sharp, and are also pleasing to the eye. Some of these knives can take days to develop, and I hope that the care and passion I put into each and every single piece will show.
As a butcher and charcutier I work each day with knives, the knife is the tool of my trade, and I love working with and designing very good ones using the very best metals and beautiful handles from woods and other materials.
There have been so many days when a particular job has taken twice as long as it should because the knife was slightly the wrong shape or the handle wouldn’t go with the job.
I would dream up these perfect tools, thought through for the best effect with my work. The wood I use for the handles too is a part of the style of these knives - I like and use woods, bone and antler, often in a very traditional way but also at times with an eye simply to design.
For more information about my quality knives, please visit Fingal Ferguson Knives